runs the world in secret, and they don�t always have humanity�s best interests at heart, such as keeping an entire town drugged on faulty memory erasure chemicals to offload defective 80s stuff for profit, planning World War 3 for the purpose of harvesting Walrus Oil, and deliberately preventing countries from working to mitigate or solve global warming to aid the Reptilian Conspiracy that funds them. Downplayed in that, while anyone can have positions high up in the company, all their leaders seen so far have been straight white men, a fact Reagan lampshades when she is finally promoted. They also have an Inhuman Resources department where their employees are taught sensitivity to reptoids. The background staff include all sorts of cryptids, as well as some Loa-People and literal monsters. Equal-Opportunity Evil: Their most prominent members include a half-Asian woman, an Asian man, a black woman, a human-dolphin hybrid, and a sapient mushroom creature.come off like a version of the Men in Black who uphold the Masquerade for profit instead of peacekeeping. Corrupted Character Copy: As Brett notes several times, Cognito Inc.But they are also a bunch of doofballs who are often either freaking out about something or having fun. Cognito Inc gets up to some wildly unethical stuff and their primary mission is to keep a secret society in charge of the world. Affably Evil: Affably morally grey, at least.