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TOMMY FOR FIDO: Tommy Hilfiger is tapping into a new market. The Italian brand will unveil the shop in coming months. The address, once home to Marc Jacobs, is now a Gucci brick-and-mortar. The celebration continued on Saturday when the public was able to visit the space via appointments. Vincent, Teezo Touchdown, Soko and Mallory Merk actors Lena Waithe and Jeremy Pope, as well as pro athletes Bogdan Bogdanović, Chiney Ogwumike, Nneka Ogwumike and Isaiah Simmons. The event brought out designer Jerry Lorenzo, who turned heads everywhere he went sisters Langley Fox and Dree Hemingway activist and designer Aurora James designer Waraire Boswell director Melina Matsoukas artist Cleo Wade French content creator Lena Mahfouf music artists St. Many of the guests matched the backdrop, dressed sporty, on theme in the new collection. The collection itself, vibrant and retro, was the inspiration for the decor. Inside, they shopped, largely grabbing accessories and hoodies. Outside they drank and mingled, sitting on bleachers and picnic tables overlooking a basketball court. “These are dangerously good,” remarked a passerby, grabbing two gin-infused gelatin treats.

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